One of the most greatly misunderstood bodybuilding concepts is one that means the most. Coming in dry and tight is always one of the hardest parts of anyone’s contest prep, from the pro level right down to the first-time amateur. There are many different methods. Some work, some may end up leaving you flat, but most seem to me like a crapshoot, not the most scientific methods to come in the way you need to be to get the highest placing that your genetic makeup and musculature can garner you. I was taught this method I am going to discuss by my trainer. Keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently, and my opinion is that it’s best to make a test run two weeks out (a great time to plan a photo shoot!) to make the fine alterations needed to suit your body type.
I will list each variable that needs to be changed and make recommendations as to what pros have taught us on how to begin the manipulation to bring you in at your best possible condition.
Water intake:
- Throughout your pre-contest diet, you want to be sure that water intake is consistent and between 4.5 and 5.5 litres daily. Break this up throughout the day, and fine-tune your intake to keep yourself adequately hydrated.
- Six days before the show day (on Sunday for a Saturday show) increase water intake to 6 litres (given that you’re taking in 5 liters daily).
- Monday, your intake will increase to 7 litres, followed by another liter increase on Tuesday and yet another litre on Wednesday.
- This will bring you to 9 litres on Wednesday and Thursday.
- Come Friday morning, you’ll drink 2 litres of water. Between roughly 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., you’ll cut your water consumption and sip on roughly 750 millilitres for the next 20 hours until you hit the stage.