Q. What's up with all the muscle worship crap, female wrestling videos and schmoe fantasy stuff you see advertised in the back of various bodybuilding magazines?
A. We don't accept those kind of ads in MUSCLE INSIDER but some magazines do! Female muscle worship is a big business and many schmoes will pay almost anything to satisfy their perversion. Recently, I had a very friendly “videographer” offer to do bodybuilding videos for MUSCLE INSIDER for such a low price that I just knew something was up! Upon meeting the little fella at a local eatery, he admitted that he is a schmoe and he’s damn proud of it! I’m serious. But when he started gushing about female muscles and how much he loved grabbing their arms, squeezing their side delts, and massaging their legs, our associate publisher, Janet Lok, nearly dropped her California roll into her mug of Diet Coke! He went on to explain that he was cool with filming training videos and interviews at a dirt-cheap price, but we had to introduce him to all the female bodybuilders he had an appetite to handle. We also had to allow him to do muscle posing videos with them all. He was very specific that these were “posing videos” of muscled women and not just the exercise or interview-style videos we wanted. The whole discussion got creepier and creepier the more he described exactly what he had in mind! Needless to say, we declined the offer to work with this guy and found out plenty more about him from the female bodybuilders in the scene. Watch out for this guy at your next contest ladies and don't say we didn't warn ya!