Leucine Use In Bodybuilding
QUESTION: What's your opinion of Leucine and its use in bodybuilding?
ANSWER: There are 20 amino acids needed to build muscle and other cell structures in the body. Eight of these aminos can’t be made by the body in large enough quantities and must be obtained from the diet – these are called Essential Amino Acids (a.k.a EAAs). There are numerous aminos shown to increase muscle and performance. For example, studies show that arginine has a number of effects on building muscle, increasing strength and burning fat. But of all the amino acids, the one that the body feels the need to metabolize the fastest is Leucine. This amino may be the most crucial of the 20 for bodybuilders because it has a dramatic effect on the metabolic machinery that drives protein synthesis (i.e. muscle building). Research shows that it actually “switches on” protein synthesis in muscle cells. It has also been demonstrated to exert an anticatabolic effect in the body (which helps prevent muscle breakdown). Leucine ensures more aminos get into hungry muscle cells and stay there which is the most important thing for bodybuilders like you and me! If you’re not a bodybuilder, you should be! One reason it has these effects is that it stimulates insulin production which increases glycogen production in the muscle. I would recommend taking 2 to 6 grams before and/or after training. Leucine is also found in fairly high concentrations in whey protein.