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Scott Welch BASc. (Nutrition)

Scott Welch has devoted his career studying performance enhancement and weight loss through dietary intervention. He received a bachelor of applied science degree in Nutrition from Ryerson University and later completed a post-graduate certificate in advertising. He’s had countless interactions with leading scientists, doctors, and hundreds of trainers from around the world, giving him a unique perspective that others lack. Welch founded MUSCLE INSIDER in 2009.

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Ghost Writers

QUESTION: Do the pros really write all the articles you see their names put on? I've met a few pros at the Arnold Classic and there's one that trains at my gym and these guys were all S.T.U.P.I.D.  Yes. I've read articles they wrote and they seemed to be way too knowledgeable to be really themselves! 

ANSWER: Ahhh, you're onto one of the "secrets" that's been going on in  the bodybuilding magazine business and the supplement industry for years. Science writers put many of the articles and ads together for many of the top magazines and supplement companies. In fact, over the years I've edited or produced so many ads for supplement companies that it would make you vomit on your monitor right now if you I told you how many! Okay let's try to make you vomit on that monitor - at last count I estimated it to be at over 10,000 pages of ads! Yes, I know it sounds way out there but it's not. I've also written and produced over 20 TV commercials for some of the largest supplement companies in the world. I've written countless training, diet and supplement books (yes books not just articles) under various "ghost" names. Why ghost  names? Well in the industry it's called "ghost writing" and it's done all the time to make the company or person you're writing for look great (hopefully) and to make you well, invisible! Years ago I was also the Editor-In-Chief of a now defunct bodybuilding magazine called MUSCLE NEWS. I was told that a good majority of Muscular Development was at one time put together by Ron Harris.