Does Fucoxanthin Burn Fat?
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid (part of the Vitamin A family) found in edible brown seaweed. Some animal studies have suggested it has fat loss properties and that it works through the protein UCP-1, which is the same thermogenic pathway targeted by thyroid hormones and DNP. The unique thing with fucoxanthin is that it upregulates UCP-1 in white adipose tissue (WAT), instead of the brown adipose tissue (WAT) it usually is associated with. That’s interesting for humans because we don’t have much BAT and it is the WAT we want to get rid of. However these studies all appear to be done on mice and rats, so it is merely speculation at this point as to how well this compound works in humans, if at all. Typical daily dosages of fucoxanthin appear to be between 5 and 20 milligrams a day.