Q. Mark, do the top pros actually use the supplements they endorse, or do they just use steroids? No bullshit, Gilly!
A. Anyone who’s been around a while in this industry knows plenty of guys use steroids. But virtually all of them also use supplements. So do most top athletes. Heck, studies show most doctors and dieticians use supplements too (the same dieticians who monotonously repeat that “you can get all the nutrition you need from a balanced diet”).
As with virtually every industry, there’s an aspect of promotion and marketing. After all, do you really think that Eva Longoria’s hair looks that way because of the shampoo she uses? Everyone knows that her hair already looked fantastic and that she has a team of stylists to ensure follicular perfection!
Most top bodybuilders use the products they promote to some extent while they go through their various stages of adding muscle and cutting fat. Steroids can substantially increase muscular gains, but supplements can also accelerate muscle growth. And with supplements, if you choose the right ones, you won’t get any nasty side effects and you’ll actually end up healthier than those who don’t use them.
To read what Canadian IFBB Pro Zoa Linsey has to say in this same topic, click HERE.
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