QUESTION: Hi Scott, How are you doing? First off, as an athlete and gym rat, I really enjoy reading your magazine. The variety of articles and facts keep me interested, and coming back each issue. Currently, I am a brakeman on the Canadian Bobsleigh team. This is my first season, and so far it hjas gone well with two 4th place 2 man finishes and and in 4 man competing for Canada. I am wondering if Muscle Insider would be interested in doing a story on bobsleigh training, and what goes on in the season/off season?
Have a great day, and talk to you soon,
-Andrew Cleary
ANSWER: Thanks for reading MUSCLE INSIDER Andrew, we appreciate the support. As a magazine, we're truly focussed only on bodybuilding but you're one of the many competitive sports athletes we here from now and again. We've had Olympic coaches, athletes, and professional sports figures write into us because they appreciate the science we put into our training, diet and supplement articles. This science and advanced physiology is what really sets us apart from the "other" magazines out there. Unfortunately, if we were to run even one article on bobsleigh training, we would have to remove one article on bodybuilding which would not be in line with our promise to readers and wouldn't fit with our core competence. But I encourage you to submit your article idea to Men's Fitness or Men's Health as they're much more focussed on mainstream fitness and competitive sport than we are and all three do an outstanding job in this area.