Q. Scott, just wanted to say keep up the great work. I have been sharing this magazine with everyone I know who is into fitness and bodybuilding they all love it. Met you at World Gym Kitchener, and appricated you taking a minute to talk. Any chance on doing a article on Cutler or Evan Centopani?
Jason Bartlett
A. Hi Jason, I remember meeting you at the bottom of the stairs at World's Gym! Thanks for helping us get the word out about MUSCLE INSIDER. It's positive people like you that keep us trying as hard as we do. You're a fan of Jay and Evan and so are we!
Editorial Contracts
We'd would love to do an article on Jay or Evan but they're both under an editorial contract with another magazine. That means that they cannot do an interview with any other bodybuilding magazine or a custom photoshoot in a gym or studio etc.
Now this may seem confusing but follow me for a minute because it will all make sense. Any magazine can take a photo of any athlete if they're on stage or in a public place. That's why all the top magazines cover the top shows like The Arnold Classic, The Mr. Olympia etc. At these shows, they take photos of the big names in the sport. MUSCLE INSIDER has an exclusivity agreement with the IFBB which allows us to photograph the top IFBB pros in the sport at these shows! We include these photos online and in each issue BUT we cannot do a gym photoshoot or studio photoshoot or interview with any athlete under editorial contract. So as a result, you won't see training photos of top stars in magazines that don't have the athlete under editorial contract.
Hope the above helps you understand some of the reasons why we put the magazine together the way we do. But if the editorial contracts change with either Jay or Evan, we'll be the first to move on it!