What are the top three best fat-loss supplements you’d give a client?
The most important and effective fat burner by far is lean protein and especially whey protein. Anyone who says different simply hasn't considered all of the research correctly. Protein has been shown to increase metabolic rate, decrease hunger, and minimize losses of lean mass when dieting.
The next best fat burner is ephedrine plus caffeine. Unfortunately, the correct dosage of 20 milligrams ephedrine plus 200 milligrams caffeine isn't legal in most countries, but using about half as much ephedrine is almost as effective and less likely to lead to side effects. Of course, ephedrine has been implicated in fatalities. Statistically, it’s a small risk, but people need to be aware of it. Most fatalities that were thought to have been caused (at least in part) by ephedrine use occurred when the user was exercising in excessive heat and/or doing unaccustomed exercise, so they may have been out of shape, exercising hard, possibly dehydrated, and exercising in hot conditions. So obviously if you’re going to use E + C, don’t use it in these circumstances.
Glucomannan has also been shown to decrease hunger and body weight at a dosage of one gram, three times daily. Take it with a big glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal.
To read more from Mark Gilbert, visit www.FitnessInventor.com.