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My chest responds really well to pretty much anything I do, but my lats suck. No matter what I do, they never seem to grow. What can I do? Building an impressive Herculean back isn't possible for... more
Chiropractic Help For Bodybuilders
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Why do a lot of pro bodybuilders go to chiropractors? Bodybuilding injuries can come from a variety of sources. Examples of this may be poor lifting technique, lifting beyond your capabilities or... more
I’m taking amino acid pills after training, but they cost way too much! Are all brands of amino acids of the same quality, as I’ve noticed some cost more? The most disgusting thing I’ve learned... more
Female Bodybuilding
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Hey bro, what’s your honest opinion of female bodybuilding? I’m a huge fan of all thing bodybuilding—regardless of gender. In my opinion, there’s simply no better way to remodel your entire body... more
Dangers Of Steroids
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Scott, I wanna get shredded. What steroids do the pros use to rip off the fat? That’s one of the biggest myths involving steroids. They do not burn fat. What they will do is help preserve muscle... more
Massive Meat Loaf With Skinny Roasted Garlic Mash
BodybuildingCookBook.com - Laura Creavalle
Massive Meat Loaf with Skinny Roasted Garlic Mash Meat Loaf • 4 large egg whites • 1 clove garlic, crushed • ½ cup no-sugar-added ketchup • ½ cup oatmeal • 1 medium onion, sautéed • 1 cup salsa... more
