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Working With Phil Heath
Jan Tana - Jan Tana
Q. What’s it like to work with Phil Heath? Did you think he was going to win the 2011 Mr. Olympia when you saw his body while you were tanning him? A. Phil Heath is one of the nicest men you will... more
Naked Tanning
Jan Tana - Jan Tana
Q. Is it true that the top names in fitness are actually completely naked when they get tanned before a contest? This seems like a dream job! How do I apply? A. Everywhere I go, I constantly hear, “... more
Can Whey Protein Help Burn Fat
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
Q. Is it true that whey protein can actually help you burn fat? A. Last issue, I wrote about all of the underreported health benefits that make whey protein one of the healthiest foods you can eat,... more
How Beta–Alanine Works
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
Q. What is beta–alanine and how does it work? A. Beta-alanine is a non-essential, non-structural (it doesn’t get used to build proteins like muscle) amino acid. It increases the body’s carnosine... more
Q. Mark, do the top pros actually use the supplements they endorse, or do they just use steroids? No bullshit, Gilly! A. Anyone who’s been around a while in this industry knows plenty of guys use... more
Q. Do you use protein powder all the way up to the day of a show? If so, how much and how often each day? A. Protein powder is a great choice to make meals more convenient, particularly for those... more
