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In past studies, calcium has been reported to enhance fat-loss efforts while in a caloric deficit. This could be due to reduced appetite, reduced dietary fat absorption, and/or increased use of fat... more
Pick up any fitness magazine and you’ll see countless ab-training routines, all promising you a rock-hard sixpack! But not at MUSCLE INSIDER, because we know that’s bullshit! But don’t just take our... more
We know eating high-protein foods (approximately 30 percent of daily caloric energy coming from protein) is ideal for fat loss and muscle sparing, but nutritionists at a college in the United States... more
Lean Body Mass And Your Metabolism
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Scientists have long realized the importance of lean body mass (LBM) in relation to metabolism. The hardest thing about dieting isn’t figuring out a way to lose weight; there are plenty of ways to do... more
Getting Ripped With BCAAs
Athlete Insider - Domenic Mauro
Getting ripped means dropping your body fat to at least below the 8 percent mark for men and 12 percent for women. Now, we can all diet, but the real trick isn’t losing weight; it’s losing fat and... more
Should Women Lift Weights?
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Not so long ago, women weren’t encouraged to participate in resistance training. They were told they would look too “manly.” Of course, this is not the case! Strong is sexy! A study examined the... more
