I read your online column on Muscle-Insider.com while I’m at work, and you’re one of the smartest in the industry by far! How much does it cost to hire you to do my diet?
I doubt that I’m the “smartest,” but your question allows me to get on my soapbox and have a little rant. One of the things I talk about on my website (www.MuscleDiet.net) is that when you want proper sports nutrition advice, you should get it only from an expert. Barely a week goes by when I don’t hear or read some new information about nutrition or supplements from some “expert” that’s either misleading or totally wrong. It drives me nuts. Why didn't they ask someone with proper qualifications and experience to investigate the facts?
In my experience, the problem is that no one seems to know what makes someone an “expert” in nutrition. They always ask a doctor when discussing a disease. They always ask a dentist when discussing teeth. So isn't it obvious that they should ask someone with a degree in nutrition about nutrition? Someone without a degree in nutrition is probably going to have gaps in their knowledge. They’re not going to have the comprehensive foundation to understand all the different components that converge to deliver an effective (and healthy) diet! As in any other field, a nutrition expert has to have education, training, knowledge and experience. Now, a select few people with related degrees or vast experience may be able to overcome not having a nutrition degree, but many of them have never even seen their own abs!
What I’m trying to say is that, ideally, an expert has the degree, experience, and knowledge and has actually personally gone through the process of getting ripped! I list my main credentials and experience on my website’s homepage, but to finally answer your question: How much does it cost to hire me to get you in top shape? Well, it’s not cheap, which is why I work mostly with elite athletes and other high-caliber clients. But a basic phone consulting session costs $300 and takes about two hours to perform. You can e-mail me at mark@musclediet.net if interested.