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QUESTION: I’ve been using creatine and have seen some results but
nothing like the magazine ads say you will. Some guys tell me you can gain an inch on your arms in just a week on the stuff. What’... more
QUESTION: I hope this letter finds you doing well. I am sure you were aware of talk about Rx Muscle launching a bodybuilding magazine for Harris Publishing, particularly since Anthony Roberts wrote... more
QUESTION: What can you tell me about LA Pharma Oxandrolone? Is
this good stuff?
ANSWER: The LA Pharma products seem to have a good reputation, and have been fairly popular in Thai pharmacies for... more
QUESTION: I've recently become a vegan and wondered if it's possible for me to be competitive in women’s bodybuilding?
ANSWER: Candian IFBB Pro Steve Brisbois is proof that a bodybuilder can make... more
QUESTION: My arms are lacking size. Should I try doing site injections or Synthol?
ANSWER: Neither! Site injections don't cause muscle to grow. They simply cause inflammation to the area, which in... more