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QUESTION: I’m curious. If you work with a lot of supplement manufacturers and know what ingredients they’re using and in what amounts, then what supplements do you use? ANSWER: I workout in the... more
QUESTION: From the countless strength coaches you’ve interviewed and the top pros you’ve trained with, what would you say are the best back exercises out there? ANSWER: One of the perks of my job... more
What does GMP mean?
The Informant - The Informant
QUESTION: What does GMP mean? I notice that some supplements say they’re manufactured in a GMP facility. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean the supplements have been tested and are safe?... more
QUESTION: Hi Scott, How are you doing? First off, as an athlete and gym rat, I really enjoy reading your magazine. The variety of articles and facts keep me interested, and coming back each issue. ... more
Women's Physique Category
Athlete Insider - Domenic Mauro
QUESTION: I still haven't quite figured out how to become a "Physique" competitor. Do you have a list of shows and Qualifiers that could point me in the right direction?  Thanks, Dusty Sage ANSWER... more
Medrol For Muscle Mass?
Uncensored - Scott Welch
QUESTION: A friend of mine works at a pharmacy, and he said he can help me get a steroid called Medrol. He said it works like Anadrol, but I haven’t been able to find any more information about... more
