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Scott Welch BASc. (Nutrition)

Scott Welch has devoted his career studying performance enhancement and weight loss through dietary intervention. He received a bachelor of applied science degree in Nutrition from Ryerson University and later completed a post-graduate certificate in advertising. He’s had countless interactions with leading scientists, doctors, and hundreds of trainers from around the world, giving him a unique perspective that others lack. Welch founded MUSCLE INSIDER in 2009.

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Bee Pollen...What?!?!

QUESTION: What’s up with Bee Pollen? I’ve heard it naturally increases energy levels and is a great nutrient source full of essential vitamins and minerals, but I’m starting to think it’s actually full of Bee Shit?

ANSWER: Bee pollen is created by worker honeybees from the collection of pollen which has been combined with honey or nectar. Bee pollen contains vitamins, minerals and aminos. Users report elevated energy levels and bee pollen has also been referred to as “nature’s perfect food”. Judging by the numerous infomercial-style websites one would think that bee pollen is the perfect panacea. I have to call bullshit – or maybe I should say beeshit! Data collected in studies have not been positive. I can hear you now “But Scott the Chinese have sworn by this supplement for years”. Don’t be fooled by that slick marketing scheme. Alluding to a secret ingredient from a foreign land is the oldest trick in the book – remember the Russian secret supplement inosine? Sure, bee pollen has some vitamins and minerals but I think your money would be better spent on an actual vitamin and mineral complex. ALLMAX for example, makes a great vitamin and mineral complex. I would put my money with them and save all the hard work of the bees for sweetening your iced tea.