Q: The whole dieting thing has got me confused, I don’t know if I should be following the ‘fasting approach’ that has become so popular, the ‘if it fi ts your macros’ or the ‘paleo’ diet? Is one... more
8 oz. shrimps, shelled and deveined
1 Tbsp macadamia oil
½ tsp paprika
Pinch cayenne pepper
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1. In a skillet over mediumhigh heat. Sauté the... more
Raspberry Ketone has become an extremely popular fat-burning ingredient in recent years because the infamous Dr. Oz has repeatedly mentioned its bene ts on his TV show. Before Dr. Oz had probably... more
Metabolic Damage
Metabolic damage isn’t an o cial medical term, but don’t be fooled—metabolic damage is very real. I de ne metabolic damage in varying degrees, but I always de ne it as the... more