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Dr. Ken Kinakin

Most gym members think warming up for weight training just means jumping on a treadmill for ve to 10 minutes to get the heart rate up, but top bodybuilders and powerlifters know the warm-up...

Several studies show the adverse effects of alcohol on muscle growth. Alcohol, consumed either occasionally or frequently, decreases protein
synthesis and affects Type II muscle fibres (the kind ...

The most common injuries are with the shoulders, then the lower back. The most common shoulder injury is the barbell bench press subscapularis myofasciitis. This is a dysfunction of the largest...

The main chest exercises used by most people in gyms are the barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell fl y, incline dumbbell press, and Pec Deck. Out of all of these exercises, the...

QUESTION: My doctor told me to stay away from heavy squatting because it will kill my knees and lower back. If I can’t squat, what should I be doing instead?

Q. What is the number one mistake you see people do when training for fat loss?

Q. What do you say to the statement “Bodybuilding is not about health?”

Q. I notice that many of the pros don’t use a full range of motion during training. Does this isolate the muscles more, or are they shortchanging themselves on gains...

Q. What are the newest treatment methods for injuries that bodybuilders and other athletes should be excited about? Are there any cutting-edge technologies that will...
