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Domenic Mauro

In past studies, calcium has been reported to enhance fat-loss efforts while in a caloric deficit. This could be due to reduced appetite, reduced dietary fat absorption, and/or increased use of...

We know eating high-protein foods (approximately 30 percent of daily caloric energy coming from protein) is ideal for fat loss and muscle sparing, but nutritionists at a college in the United...

Getting ripped means dropping your body fat to at least below the 8 percent mark for men and 12 percent for women. Now, we can all diet, but the real trick isn’t losing weight; it’s losing fat and...

As your body changes over time, so should your approach in the gym

The 2016 Arnold Sports Festival is set for March 3 through to March 6, in Columbus, Ohio, and in case you’re new to the industry, be advised—the ASF is, outside of the Olympics, the largest multi-...

A Bodybuilders guide to the Arnold Sports Festival

Get your...

QUESTION: In another mag I saw a pro posing in the gym who had the most insane bodypart proportions yet I saw the same pro onstage, and he didn’t look even close to what he did a few...

QUESTION: I still haven't quite figured out how to become a "Physique" competitor. Do you have a list of shows and Qualifiers that could point me in the right direction? 

