Q. I really just want a big chest and arms. I’ve been bench pressing and doing curls, but I’m not growing as much as I want to. What supplements should I take?
A. You are approaching this all wrong. Trying to isolate just two muscle groups – out of your entire body – is going to cause you some problems. Start by training your ENTIRE body. Think in terms of movements, not muscle, but push, pull, and squat. Your whole body grows better when your whole body is growing. Just training chest and biceps will lead to imbalances that can cause injury or soreness and, will ultimately prevent you from achieving any sort of results. Read the articles in MUSCLE INSIDER – there are a lot of good authors and worthwhile advice that can get you started. Also, seek out a coach or trainer in your area and work with them to get the basics down. After that, it’s up to you, and how hard you work – but don’t put in hard effort on a haphazard routine. And yes, if you really mean it you do have to train your legs, and that means Squatting!