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Latest Features

Fri, 2018-08-10 19:39
The versatile Smith machine can aid both beginners and advanced lifters, but each group should be...
Fri, 2018-08-10 16:30
High-rep training may burn like hell, but is it the best way to evaluate whether a workout is the...
Fri, 2018-08-10 14:55
How many articles have you read, whether in a muscle magazine or online, that promise you big arms...
Fri, 2018-08-10 12:57
The fastest and best way to increase your bench press and squat by 50 to 100 pounds is within a...
Mon, 2018-07-30 19:32
How to smartly prioritize your lower pecs when genetics deals you a flat chest. Now in the August/...
Fri, 2018-07-20 16:10
In your pursuit of a ripped 6-pack, these are the most common mistakes you want to avoid! You can...
