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Ask the Guru

Lyle McDonald BSc.
Lyle is a researcher and coach who has worked with bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes on all aspects of their training, diet, and supplementation.
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Should I Squat Below Parallel?

QUESTION: Is it better to squat to parallel or below parallel?

ANSWER: It really depends on the goals. Certainly a full squat tends to hit more overall musculature. You get quads with a lot of glutes and hamstrings. It’s also how Ronnie does it! At the same time, depending on the leverages of the individual (this is especially true for people with very long legs), poundages tend to take a real hit with full squatting because of the long lever arm. As well, for people prone to building up their glutes excessively, stopping above parallel can take some of the stress off the glutes and focus it more on the quads. Above parallel squatting can be tougher on some people’s knees, and, since the weights used are heavier, the low-back tends to have to do more work as well.