Finding The Right Trainer
Question: You’re a sought after personal trainer in Vancouver, but I’m not close to you. How do I pick a qualified trainer in another city?
Answer: First you should determine your goals and then start to look for a trainer that specializes in that area; be it prepping you for your first competition or just improving your athletic performance for a given sport. Look first for experience, then qualifications in your desired area of training. You don’t go to a dentist to have work done on your vehicle! So don’t pick a trainer that's new to health & fitness and is not in shape themself.
My top 10 things to look for in a Great Trainer:
Find someone who practises what they preach, someone that you would like to emulate.
Diversity in techniques: someone that stays current with new techniques.
Motivating: someone who inspires you to get to that next level.
Pushes you to pursue and reach your goals
Gets involved: jumps in and does that last 5 reps with you.
Someone who offers a full package: training, diet and supplements advice.
Offers a nutrition plan: most trainers don’t and this makes up 50% of your results!
A trainer that makes you set goals and then helps give you the tools to achieve them.
Offers additional services: fat testing and goal setting for example.
Makes it fun! If it’s not then you won’t stick to it.