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Sports Medicine

Dr. Ken Kinakin D.C., CSCS
Dr. Ken Kinakin is a sport medicine doctor, chiropractor, certified strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer! He’s also the author of the book “Optimal Muscle Training” and has competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for over 20 years. Dr. Kinakin lectures around the world to doctors and personal trainers on the areas of weight-training, rehabilitation and nutrition. He is also the clinic director for the AIM Health & Wellness clinic (see www.aimhealthgroup.com), with a rehabilitation and training centre in Mississauga, Ontario. Dr. Kinakin founded the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists (SWIS), an organization that educates and certifies doctors, therapists and personal trainers in the area of exercise muscle testing, rehabilitation and treatment of weight training injuries (see www.swis.ca).
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Do Chiropractors Recommend Supplements More Than Medical Doctors

Q. Chiropractors seem more open to recommending supplements for patients than traditional doctors. Why do you think this is the case?

A. There are two main reasons. The first is that chiropractors have a philosophy to use natural treatments and remedies. Our first instinct is to use supplements to support the body. In a crisis situation such as a severe pneumonia, we will refer to a medical doctor for specific treatments and drugs. The second reason is that our main modality of treatment is manual medicine with a secondary modality of rehab exercises and nutrition. The treatment modality of traditional medical doctors is usually drugs and surgery, because that is what they were taught in school. But there is a growing trend of medical doctors using supplements because of the increased amount of research showing good results with specific disorders and injuries.

To read more by Dr.Ken Kinakin, click HERE!