Q. After reading last issue’s MUSCLE INSIDER and seeing the competition pictures of one of the local shows, I have mostly decided I want to compete in bodybuilding. I’m 36 years old with a wife, two kids and a full-time job. I find time to go to the gym and I am in pretty good shape, I think, but not ready for the stage at all. Do you think it’s possible, for someone in their 30’s like me, to put it together enough to make an impact in competition?
A. I have two important points to make: First, the next time you read MUSCLE INSIDER, take a close look at the people you see competing – there are men and women of all ages across Canada that are hitting the stage, looking awesome, and loving every minute of it. Second, you haven’t ‘mostly’ decided to compete – you’re in. Lots of people come to my wife, IFBB Pro Christina Mehling, and I wanting to “get in shape” and “maybe, kind of, sort of think about competing” later, maybe.” Almost all of them wind up competing a lot sooner than they think – and placing higher than they expect. Despite your busy schedule I expect you’ve been seeing results in your training and that’s what’s spurred the competition bug in you – that’s awesome! Keep doing what you’re doing. For your first competition, do your research. Find a good coach or trainer that will help you with the right nutrition and training strategy, and during the last few months which can be tricky to peak correctly. Good luck!
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