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QUESTION: Do you think that those devices used to stretch the legs are worth it? I see them all the time in martial arts magazines, and I could use some flexibility.
ANSWER: Keep in mind that... more
QUESTION: Does working out make me more susceptible to colds?
ANSWER: Research shows that untrained individuals are more susceptible to oxygen damage during exercise because of the changes that make... more
QUESTION: Do you think supersets should be included in a weight training program?
ANSWER: Yes, absolutely. Supersets add variety to your workout, help bring up lagging body parts, increase the... more
QUESTION: How much protein do bodybuilder need while cutting?
ANSWER: When researchers put athletes on a weight-loss diet, a group that ate 2.3 grams of protein per kilo bodyweight (35% of... more
QUESTION: I’ve heard a lot of negativity about aspartame and its safety. But if it isn’t safe, why are companies using it to sweeten their products? Something isn’t jibing. What’s the truth?
ANSWER:... more
QUESTION: I know it’s important to drink water throughout the day, but how much should I drink?
ANSWER: I’ve been told two gallons, but that seems a bit much. Some “experts” seem to think that... more