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Counterfeit Supplements
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Dan, I know that there's counterfeit gear that I should watch out for but I also heard that sometimes supplements are counterfeited. Is this true?  A: I've been involved heavily in the... more
Diet Soda And Fat Gain
Optimum Sports Nutrition - Dr. Ann de Wees Allen
Q. I drink diet soda when cutting up and find that it crushes my hunger. Are there any down sides to drinking diet soda? A. Great question! I think the answer may surprise you. If you are... more
Q. Last issue you took a hard stance on protein and how much bodybuilders should be taking. This was a hot topic on www.MuscleInsider.com and other sites. Do you still feel just as strong about the... more
Soy Protein vs. Whey Protein
The Doctor's Corner - Dr. Scott Connelly
Q. How does Soy Protein stack up against Whey Protein? A. It has been conclusively demonstrated that the augmentation of muscle protein synthesis that can be recorded after an acute bout of high-... more
Q: Last issue, MUSCLE INSIDER columnist Dr. Ann de Wees Allen said you can only absorb 30 grams of protein at one meal! Is there any truth to that statement in your opinion? A. The oft-quoted dictum... more
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
After a record breaking MABBA Novice Championships back in March, it continued to be busy for us in Manitoba through April and May. CBBF NATURAL PHYSIQUE CHAMPIONSHIPS On April 23rd, MABBA... more
