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HIT3 and Two Types of Overtraining with John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
The first type of overtraining that most bodybuilders fall into is performing too many light sets for a particular body part which they call volume training. They erroneously believe that more sets... more
What is Hi-Intensity Training By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
Hi-intensity anaerobic exercise is the imposition of the highest stimulus on a particular muscle in the shortest period of time until total muscular failure is reached. For an exercise to stimulate... more
Is Fat The Problem? By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
If imitation is the purest form of flattery, then Adonis and Aphrodite should be honoured to know that they've been emulated for thousands of years. In Greek mythology, Adonis was a rare male beauty... more
The Rotation For Recuperation System By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
The biggest mistake I made when I started bodybuilding was training 6 days a week. Even Sundays were hard for me to take off, I couldn’t miss a day. Everything I read in bodybuilding mags featured... more
Anaerobic Exercise vs Aerobic Exercise By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
The fundamental principle of exercise science is that weight training is an anaerobic exercise, rather than aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is geared to the development of strength and muscular... more
Daniela DeFeo - Daniela DeFeo
Amplify your workouts with the body’s main life-giving element – oxygen.   The primary function of oxygen is to provide the body with energy. Understanding blood oxygen levels is essential in... more
