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In the July 1989 issue of IronMan magazine, Bob Paris came out to Lonnie Teper, making him the first openly gay bodybuilder. When Lonnie asked if he was fearful of the repercussions of coming out,... more
HIT ME - High intensity training explained
The Romano Factor - John Romano
High Intensity Training (HIT) is perhaps the most efficient means of building muscle because it addresses a very basic adaptational function of human physiology. Several studies have demonstrated... more
NuLiv Science is quickly becoming known as one of the top branded ingredient suppliers in the dietary supplement industry. Its flagship ingredient, AstraGin™, can now be found in a wide variety of... more
Common Injuries When Training Heavy
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
In this article, we will discuss how injuries occur when training heavy, the different types of injuries, and different ways to fix them with exercises and treatment techniques to prevent them from... more
Building muscle isn’t an easy task for most, which is probably why I’m always being asked for advice on which supplements are best for packing on size. This column will cut through the clutter and... more
Introduction to Markus
Phenomenal Abdominals - Markus Kaulius
My name is Markus Kaulius, and I’m the owner of Magnum Nutraceuticals. I love what I do—I’m extremely passionate about supplementation and exceeding the limits of the human body. I haven’t always... more
