Supplement Godfather
Do Natural Test Boosters Work?
Do natural test boosters really work? I know your company Pharmafreak makes a product called TEST FREAK, but can it really increase test levels enough to increase muscle growth like real steroids can?
Well, first let me say this: There’s nothing that compares to the effects of real pharmaceutical-grade anabolic steroids. I mean, we’re talking about drugs, not supplements. However, there are some huge disadvantages to using real steroids, or what you think might be real steroids.
First, it’s hard to find legitimate, high-quality steroids nowadays. You really have no idea what you’re injecting or ingesting if you decide to use some of the underground steroids you find on the black market. Even if you can manage to get your hands on some good quality stuff, then you have to consider the potential negative side effects. Here’s a fact to think about: A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology showed that subjects taking just 10 milligrams of Winstrol (stanozolol) daily experience a whopping 55 percent reduction in natural testosterone production! Could you imagine the negative effects of having your natural test production cut in half? Do the pros really outweigh the cons? I don’t think so, but that’s up to each individual to decide for himself.
Now back to your original question: Do natural test boosters really work? Well, yes, they can work if the right types and right amounts of ingredients are used in the formula. For example, TEST FREAK, the product I formulated, contains the clinically proven dosages of several key test-boosting ingredients, including Testofen, tribulus, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, saw palmetto, stinging nettle, and three powerful aromatase blockers: hesperitin, apigenin and resveratrol.
With the TEST FREAK formula, I really tried to create the most complete test booster on the market, and user feedback has been great so far! I know a lot of guys that have used steroids in the past, and they all say that after about 10 days on TEST FREAK, they feel the same improvements in strength and recovery as when they were using a low dose of pharmaceutical-grade steroids. Feedback from heavier steroid users is that they love to use TEST FREAK as a staple in their post-cycle therapy regimen. Since everybody responds differently, the only way to really find out if a certain supplement or ingredient will work for you is to test it out for yourself.