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Tackling Stubborn Belly Fat
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q. I tend to hold more fat around my belly. What’s the best way to get rid of it? A. Unfortunately, spot reduction is a myth, so you really can’t target your belly. However, with a focused diet and... more
Advice for a First time Competitor
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q. What is the best advice you can give a first-time competitor? A. I think the best decision an athlete can make before stepping onstage is to hire a qualified coach. There’s something to be said... more
2013 Toronto Pro Supershow Predictions
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Toronto Pro SuperShow Contest Predictions A show that has more IFBBs pros competing than the Olympia and the Arnold Classic. A show that qualifies literally every division (men’s and women’s... more
Bending Steel: A Movie Review
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
It's a story for anyone who wonders where they fit in. For anyone who hasn't yet found 'their place' in this world. For anyone who thought they couldn't. For the underdog. Bending Steel: The... more
LISS, MISS Or HIIT Cardio For Fat Loss
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
Are you a proponent of LISS, MISS or HIIT cardio for fat loss? I’m a proponent of all three forms of cardio for fat loss. It all depends on my client’s individual body type, goals, athletic history,... more
Glutamine Post-Exercise
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
I’m a bit of a newbie to supplements, but why do so many people use glutamine? It’s pretty simple: The main reason people use glutamine is to support better recovery. During and after intense... more
