Q. On your website, Valerio Mosca called you out to test his energy bracelets. Pros like Jay Cutler, Mboya Edwards, and Phil Heath are wearing them, but what’s your take on these?
A. In my view, when you call someone out, you need to supply the valid, legit science-based info that counters something I said. So far, no real data has even been supplied, and I won’t be holding my breath on that one. I make the offer to any company that sells something I consider pseudoscience that they fund a legitimate study, and I will personally make sure it gets done.
Imagine the marketing windfall if the study actually were to find some benefit! My take on such products in general is summed up very well by H.L. Mencken, who said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” If people using energy bracelets like them and feel they are of benefit, carry on, but I’d recommend they spend their hard-earned money on some additional food and a copy of MUSCLE INSIDER magazine.
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