Lyle McDonald
Question: I have three of your books and find them very informative. I have a question...
Question: I’ve been following a very low-carbohydrate diet and taking the ephedrine/...
Question: What do you think about Hany Rambod’s FST-7 training system?
...Q. How do ketogenic diets work?
A. Under normal conditions the body...
Q: Is aspartame safe or does it cause brain tumors? Where did this myth come from or...
Q. Stuart McRobert said once that the most a drug-free bodybuilder can ever hope to...
Q: What is Doggcrapp training, and what’s your opinion on its use for bodybuilding...
Q. How do caffeine-based fat burners trigger fat loss?
A. Caffeine is,...
QUESTION: I’ve heard that I need to cut dairy out of my diet to lose fat. Is that true...