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Lauren Jacobsen

Q. What is Eric DiLauro like as a trainer? I’ve seen him with Jay Cutler and even yourself on YouTube videos and such, but is he really as good as they say he is?

Q. Is it possible to gain muscle while dieting down for a show?

Q. How much protein does a female need? Scott Welch said that there’s new research that shows that women should not take in more than 10 grams per meal, but that guy’s out to lunch and...

QUESTION: I’ve seen collagen in various protein bars on the market, and Scott Welch says this is a shit protein source in terms of quality. What does he mean by this?

QUESTION: You have recently switched trainers to Eric Dilauro and you seem to have made some remarkable progress in your physique. How has your training and diet changed?

QUESTION: What exactly is the ECA stack, and how do the pros use this stack to burn fat?

QUESTION: Lauren, what’s the difference between training for female bodybuilding vs. figure?
