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B Built by Broser - Episode 5

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B Built by Broser Episode 5

MADMAX6 finds Eric Broser at 6 Pax Gym, Culver City, Ca next to his shiny new white Corvette convertible with a massive assistant named West "Mac Trucc" Boxley who seems friendly enough and is also one of Eric's protege. Last week we were at a pretty limited gym and there were a few exercises that couldn’t be demonstrated because of the limited equipment. Now that we have some cables and a smith machine Eric can show you some killer exercises for the long head of the triceps as well as mid traps. You’ll also learn to employ a few new tricks including 1 ½ reps, negative pause reps and positive pause reps. Something different and useful just like you’ll find on every info packed episode of B Built by Broser.