A million sets of Barbell squats followed by a variation of hack squats you may have never seen. When people say, "Train like a girl", you better hope they mean balls-out, badass, intense lifting!...
You Tube Video
2015-09-14 18:45
In this episode of Muscle Insider TV, we follow around The 350b beast, Morgan Aste, as his judgement day has finally come! After catching up with him several times at the Mecca before his show, we...
You Tube Video
2015-09-14 18:39
2015-09-13 14:11
In recent times we’ve heard a fair bit of talk on the subject of protein spiking. This is also referred to as nitrogen spiking and amino spiking.
This hot topic has come into focus as some...
2015-09-10 12:55
High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. High blood pressure is when the blood pressure in your arteries is elevated and your heart has...
2015-09-10 11:55
I cringe a bit when people say they have a width day and a thickness day for back. I get what they mean. It’s common to hear, but it’s not really that simple. You can’t separate the back muscles like...
2015-09-10 11:33
Citrulline is an amino acid that’s converted to L-arginine in the body, during the urea cycle and alongside L-ornithine. Supplementing with citrulline is actually a more effective way to raise...
2018-01-11 17:06
Plant-based proteins are gaining more and more popularity in recent years, and for good reason! Vegan proteins provide muscle-building and recovery benefits that are comparable to animal-based...
2018-01-11 16:47
Unique Delt Exercise:
The first thing you get when you do lateral barbell raises is looks. Anyone doing them looks badass because the exercise looks so unnatural and difficult that only someone with...
Magazine Feature
2015-09-10 11:15
Be sure to read your labels carefully. Are the ingredients simple to read? Are they all disclosed? Or is the list of ingredients too long to count and too hard to pronounce? Do you know who made your...
2021-01-24 03:27
When the MUSCLE INSIDER crew asked me to discuss things that boost metabolic rate, I very quickly realized that there are dozens! Of course, there are drugs such as thyroid (T3/T4), clenbuterol, the...
2021-01-24 02:42
The man behind the Power/ Rep Range/ Shock system and the Fiber Damage/ Fiber Saturation protocol is at it again! This time with yet another new training method called FTX2; which tries to hit both...
You Tube Video
2017-02-14 13:17
Ask the Scientist - Episode 6
In this episode, Dr. Jeff Golini answers a question about the best types and sources of protein. How much do athletes really need?
Ask The Scientist is a show...
You Tube Video
2015-09-10 07:34
I’ve probably written an Olympia guide every year for the last couple of decades. I think I’ve even written one for this magazine before. The point is, these things can get tedious—not only for me to...
Magazine Feature
2015-09-09 17:30
Inside the Mind of Kai Greene
There is one man on the planet who—despite his tremendous popularity—is still a mystery to many...
Magazine Feature
2015-09-09 17:03
Need a workout boost without the stimulating effects of fat burners or pre-workout powders? Enter Nutrabolics’ latest product, and perhaps the beginning of a new product category: Carnibolic. This...
Magazine Feature
2015-09-09 16:57
The newest superfruit you’ve never heard of
“Superfoods” are like new cars; when you get one, you start seeing it all over the place. There is a new fruit out there now you’ve never heard of, but...
2015-09-09 16:55
Name: Jeremy Buendia
Date of Birth: October 26, 1990
Contest Weight: 175 lb.
Height: 5'8"
Hometown: Roseville, CA
Currently Resides: Murrieta, CA
Trains At: Self Made Training Facility (@...
Magazine Feature
2015-09-09 15:52
Is there anything fish oil can’t do?
Researchers at the University of Washington took a look at 15 non-vitamin and non-mineral specialty supplements (glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, fish oil,...
2015-09-09 15:30
Several thousand bodybuilding fans from all over the world are making a trip to Las Vegas to be in town for the 50th anniversary of the Mr. Olympia competition. And by all accounts, they’re going to...
2015-09-09 15:17