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Xtend Keto Preview


Xtend has long been a leading choice of BCAAs around the world. Many of us likely started using Xtend BCAAs over ten years ago. This is a brand that does not rest on past success, based on the continued innovation of products that they continue to add to their line-up. We have seen just in the past year, new additions such as Xtend RTDs, Xtend Natural Zero, and even Xtend Elite!

Now we see two more new additions to this incredible line-up with the introduction of Xtend Keto with goBHB and Xtend Keto Energy. Both options provide seven grams of BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio, along with six grams of goBHB ketones. The one difference between these two options, is the addition of 125 mg of caffeine in Xtend Keto Energy with zümXR® which provides delayed release caffeine microspheres.

Xtend Keto BHB and Xtend Keto Energy will both be sold in 20 serving containers and will come in two flavours for each. Xtend Keto BHB will be available in Strawberry Kiwi Splash and Orange Mango, while Xtend Keto Energy has Ultra Frost and Knockout Fruit Punch.

It’s not clear as to how soon we will see these new products available in Canada, but with any luck we won’t have to wait too long.

For more info, check the XTEND website and Instagram pages for updates.


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