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Rocket Science Pre-Workout By Magnum


Rocket Science Pre-Workout Supplement Review

By: The Supp Dawg 

rocket_science.jpg“Rocket science” isn’t just a phrase used to describe something overly complicated. Rocket Science is also the name of Magnum’s new pre-workout supplement, and we’re excited to give you our honest feedback on it. If you missed our original prototype testing of Rocket Science, visit http://muscle-insider.com/product-reviews/rocket-science.

Rocket Science Review
Do you remember the last time you had an unbelievable workout? I can—it was right after I consumed three orange-coloured Rocket Science pre-workout capsules. I’m no stranger to the weight room and have tried every pre-workout supplement under the sun, so when I tell you that yesterday’s training session was one of my most productive to date, I speak from experience. As a dedicated iron junkie, I’ve never had an issue getting to the gym; it’s focusing on my workouts that I struggle with. With so much going on in my life, sometimes I feel as if I’m just going through the motions, thinking about anything else other than squeezing my chest at the top of each rep. So, when I received a couple of servings of Magnum’s Rocket Science pre-workout, I got excited by their promises of increased mental focus, endurance, and energy.

Rocket Science: Pre-Workout Test Drive
Anytime I get a new supplement to test out, I take the product exactly assuggested, hit the weight room, and do my research afterward. I don’t want to chance a placebo effect thing happening by having too much information beforehand. I popped the three capsules and drove to the gym. After about ten minutes, Rocket Science kicked in. The only thing on my mind was the lifting session I had ahead of me. The exercises I had planned out were playing like a movie in my mind. I couldn’t get off the road fast enough. This ambition and mental focus continued on for the duration of my chest and back workout. I was squeezing every rep, my form was on point, and I cut my rest periods between sets in half. My energy was elevated as well, but not like after I consume a large coffee or a fat burner. I had the type of energy you get after a good 10-hour sleep. It felt natural. Ihad an unbelievable workout, and the rest of my day was just as productive.rocket_science_pre-workout_rocket.jpg

Best Time to Take Rocket Science
As good a pre-workout supplement Rocket Science is, I would recommend it before any event you’ve got going on that requires energy, focus, and cognitive thinking. In fact, I took a serving of Rocket Science the next day before work, and it did wonders. It’s crazy how Rocket Science packs so much punch into three tiny capsules while most pre-workouts require a heaping scoop or two of powder. Rocket Science is definitely one of the best supplements out there, and I was very eager to dive into the science behind the formula.

Rocket Science Formula


This popular ingredient is a proven energy booster and alertness elevator. But there’s a fine line when it comes to dosing. Take too little caffeine and you feel nothing, save for a slight energy bump. Take too much caffeine and you get an overenergized feeling, headaches, and the caffeine_rocket_science.jpgcrash we’ve all experienced at some point using some pre-workout supplements or fat burners. But some athletes have reported that they get an upset stomach when using ordinary caffeine or caffeine found naturally in guarana or other herbal sources. So the researchers who formulated Rocket Science included caffeine anhydrous, an ultra-potent version of caffeine that doesn’t seem to case the stomach discomfort in individuals sensitive to this effect. Rocket Science also includes dicaffeine malate, an ionic-bonded form of caffeine that works synergistically with the rest of the entire Rocket Science formula to increase energy. Malate is a Krebs cycle intermediate that stabilizes caffeine throughout digestion, thus maintaining its potency. But once dicaffeine malate is broken down further by your body, malic acid is formed, which is donated to the Krebs cycle to increase ATP production. By combining caffeine anhydrous with dicaffeine malate, Rocket Science ups caffeine levels without increasing the side effects, giving you ample energy to fight through even the toughest workouts.


Rocket Science? More like Neuroscience

We all know about the importance of the mind-muscle connection and the crucial role it plays in developing size and strength. With so many outside influences occupying our consciousness, the gap between the mind and muscle becomes increasingly wider. Cue Rocket Science. It’s built with pharmaceutical-grade compounds that are known for functioning as neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Some of these key compounds include beta-phenethylamine, a proven mood enhancer, vinpocetine, a plant extract that acts as a nootropic for the improvement of memory and cerebral metabolism, and citicoline, which can help prevent memory impairment, improve focus, and increase mental energy.

When doing my research on Rocket Science, three additional ingredients stood out. L-theanine is an amino acid that has the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier to dramatically reduce mental stress. L-tyrosine, also an amino acid, synthesizes protein and has been proven to improve cognitive thinking and physical performance. It is a building block for the neurotransmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Neurotransmitters help nerve cells communicate and influence mood. The fascinating thing about tyrosine is that it is most useful during times of extreme stress, such as heavy training. But this formula doesn’t stop there. Rocket Science also contains Dendrobium nobile using a 10:1 stem extract. This ingredient is popping up in a slew of pre-workout supplements lately and with good reason. Dendrobium is a fundamental herb used in traditional Chinese medicine that works in synergy with the caffeine found in Rocket Science to produce a natural energy boost. It also helps give users razor-sharp focus and mental clarity. After reading through the science and experiencing its brain-boosting power firsthand, I’m shocked students aren’t yet using it to increase their studying abilities! It’s really that effective, and we’re certain you’ll see many more products coming out in 2014 with this ingredient in it.

Rocket Science is University Tested!

The results I got from Rocket Science are undeniable, but what’s most impressive is the fact that Magnum also put this formula through clinical testing at Wingate University. You can’t argue with the clinical science backing Rocket Science. In this study, 20 athletes participated in a double-blind, human gold-standard research trial on the key ingredients found in Rocket Science, and the results were astounding. The tested athletes increased their mental focus by 22 percent, improved their endurance by 65 percent, and experienced an increase in energy by 67 percent. The results of this human study didn’t surprise me in the slightest; it just solidified my own experience.

Rocket Science is clinically proven to increase:

  • Exercise Performance by 13%
  • Mental focus by 22%
  • Endurance by 65%
  • Energy by 67%

Rocket Science Pre-Workout Rating
Based on its formula, the results we experienced testing driving it out, and the university study backing the key ingredients found in its formula, we give Rocket Science a solid 5-star rating.

For more info on Rocket Science pre-workout, visit http://hardmagnum.com/product/rocket-science


The Supp Dawg