As much as we would all like to believe that what we see on a supplement label is true and honest, we realize there are a number of questionable brands out there that will skew their protein claims by spiking their formulas with amino acids, or lower-grade protein soures. We have just received word of Nutrabolics’ new Protein Transparency Program release finally being ready to roll out.
Starting with their all-new Hydropure 100% Hydrolyzed Whey, all batches of Nutrabolics proteins will be analyzed by a 3rd party independent testing partner, Eurofins. This rigorous process ensures with complete certainty that their protein content meets label claim for nitrogen count.
Not only is Nutrabolics launching this new 3rd party testing program, but they want consumers to have full access to see the results of the testing process. If you have a smart phone, you can use a QR reader to scan the code on the front of every bottle, enter the LOT# on their quality verification page and view their product’s certificate of analysis. This provides some of the testing information like the product’s protein nitrogen % results, batch number, testing location and production date.
For more info, check the Nutrabolics website, Instagram and Facebook page for updates.