MitoBurn® (L-BAIBA, β-aminoisobutyric acid), known as an “exercise factor”, increased levels of L-BAIBA are associated with many of exercise’s numerous benefits. L-BAIBA helps regulate metabolism, increase energy expenditure, manage fuel selection, support the production of ketones, etc.
On May 13, 2022, a toxicity study published by NNB Nutrition was designed to evaluate the safety and toxic potentials of MitoBurn (L-BAIBA), where L-BAIBA was administered orally to Sprague Dawley rats at 100, 300, and 900 mg/kg/day for 90 days. The study shows that no treatment-related adverse effects were observed in any of the treatment groups. Based on the results, the No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (NOAEL) of L-BAIBA was 900 mg/kg/day. This study is the first study to access the safety profile of L-BAIBA in an in vivo repeated dose subchronic toxicity study by oral (gavage) route in Sprague Dawley rats.
MitoBurn® (L-BAIBA, β-aminoisobutyric acid), is a signaling molecule secreted by exercising muscles that triggers the adaptive response mechanisms. Increasing L-BAIBA levels augments the results of exercise and provides many of the benefits of regular exercise, without exercising. Research has shown that MitoBurn can improve carb tolerance and insulin sensitivity. L-BAIBA is triggered by the PGC-1α protein from exercising muscles. It plays a powerful role behind the benefits of regular exercise and initiates the “browning” of white adipose tissue, which increases energy expenditure and helps regulate weight management during EODF (every-other-day fasting). These novel ingredients are great for athletes trying to get more out of their workout, casually active individuals looking to amplify their diet and workout, as well as those looking for healthy ways to get leaner and more fit.
Claims About MitoBurn:
This ingredient is currently favored by a large number of people who enjoy fitness and pay attention to weight management. We’ve seen more and more supplement brands including MitoBurn in their products, including Inspired Nutraceuticals 3MB3R (Ember) non-stim thermogenic, and Apollon Nutrition Molotov stimulant-free fat burner. It’s important to note that this toxicology report published by NNB has never been done by others before. Therefore, this study undoubtedly added great commercial value to MitoBurn®. NNB also believes this study will also allow brand owners who are still on the sidelines to use MitoBurn® with confidence.
Source: NNB Nutrition