Since coming on the scene in 1996, MuscleTech has been one of the top-selling companies in the history of sports supplementation. But did you know that MuscleTech is a Canadian company? It’s true! Its head office is located in Oakville, Ontario, but its products are all over the world. MuscleTech recently moved to an open label policy. That is, all ingredients are disclosed on every product label. Consumers can see exactly what they’re taking and how much power is in each formula. MuscleTech has recently improved its NITRO-TECH® protein formula by jacking up the protein content by roughly 20 percent, delivering a shocking 30 grams of protein in every serving! Each scoop contains whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, BCAAs, glutamine, alanine, and 3 grams of creatine for the best gains possible! NITRO-TECH® has also been clinically proven. In a clinical study done at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, test subjects using the core formula in NITRO-TECH® gained 8.8 pounds of lean mass in six weeks whereas those using regular whey protein only gained 5.1 pounds. With a formula backed by clinical research and award-winning taste, it’s easy to see why NITRO-TECH® received a top rating from our editors. Visit for more info.