Counterfeiting happens when you’re a supplement brand in over 100 countries and one of the largest companies in the industry. This is especially prevalent overseas for companies. In order to protect consumers and distributors, MuscleTech released this verification App to battle counterfeiters when they did their company rebrand in 2020. This is a cool app that allows you to protect yourself against buying a counterfeit product. One of the first things you should look for when purchasing any MuscleTech product is the brand’s Seal of Authenticity. Look for this sticker to confirm you’re buying the real deal!

MuscleTech takes great pride in the quality of their products, so they’ve taken the steps to ensure you’re getting the high-quality product that you’ve come to expect from MuscleTech. The brand is committed to the fight against counterfeiting, diversion, and the refilling of original MuscleTech products with knockoffs. As a consumer, you should feel confident that the product you purchased is authentic. To make sure this is the case, MuscleTech uses SURYS’ breakthrough integrated system. This is an industry-leading technology that allows MuscleTech to track the authenticity of a product, and they’re the first company on the market to use it. The system uses an optical chip that prevents product tampering and incorporates digital security features that securely connect any product to the digital world. To alleviate any concerns about the authenticity of your MuscleTech product, download the app and follow the steps below to verify.

This verification app is a game-changer for a brand like MuscleTech, in the fight against counterfeit supplements in the market. This is a brand that is known for extensive clinical studies, so it’s impressive to see them taking the steps to ensure the integrity of their products and the brand overall. It’s really cool, so we encourage you to download the app and use it to verify the authenticity of your next MuscleTech product purchase. You can visit to find more information and to download the app.
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