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Magnum Quattro Chocolate Dipped Strawberry


Magnum Nutraceuticals is one of the most well-known Canadian brands on the market. And with that, one of their most popular products has remained Magnum Quattro. Quattro is a combination of whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate, egg protein isolate, and micellar casein, into a timed-release muscle growth formula. It was just a few months ago that we reported on the new Magnum Quattro Toasted Cinnamon Cereal flavor. Once again, the team has announced a new, limited-edition flavor of Quattro in Chocolate Dipped Strawberry. The new flavor is set to drop in December, but no firm date has been confirmed just yet. The macro-friendly formula of Magnum Quattro has each 41-gram serving providing 30 grams of protein, only 1 gram of fat, and 3 grams of carbs, for a total of 140 calories. While this is a limited release, we are hopeful we might see it around in February. This Chocolate Dipped Strawberry flavor or Magnum Quattro would make a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your special fitness enthusiast.

For more information and to stay up to date with the brand, be sure to visit the Magnum website.

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