Kaizen Naturals is a Canadian supplement company based in Winnipeg that’s been around since the late nineties! As the industry has evolved, so has Kaizen’s product range but at the heart of all their products has always been a dedication to delivering innovative products made with the highest standards and quality ingredients. Many companies throw the word “quality” around but Kaizen Naturals has gone a step further by getting their supplements independently tested and certified by NSF. For those that don’t know, NSF testing is the most rigorous (and most expensive) quality control testing program in the industry. It’s for this reason that many companies don’t do it! Kaizen sticks to foundational supplements like whey protein, whey isolate, an MRP, glutamine, creatine, BCAA and they also make a natural pre-workout.
Kaizen Naturals Signs Tommy Europe
As a company, they support many Canadian athletes between the Kaizen Naturals brand and their sister company Bodylogix who recently did a partnership deal with the CFL Players Association. To show their support, Kaizen has now sponsored Canadian football and training legend Tommy Europe. Fans may remember Tommy also as the TV host of the “The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp” and “Bulging Brides” but he also played 11 seasons with the CFL and is now one of the most sought after trainers in Canada. Here’s what Tommy had to say about this exciting opportunity with Kaizen.
Here's what Kaizen Naturals Athlete Relations Manager DJ Lalama had to say on the signing:
Kaizen is super excited to welcome Tommy Europe to the Kaizen Naturals Team! From corporate wellness, his SHRED bootcamp to the TE60 SHRED Program; Tommy continues to be a trailblazer in the Canadian personal training industry! We look forward to fueling Tommy and his clients with naturally-clean nutrition as one of our Brand Ambassadors!
Tommy Europe is very excited about the collaboration and had this to say:
“I’m so pumped to be working with Kaizen Naturals, new beginnings & limitless possibilities.” -Tommy Europe