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Iron Kingdom Sleep and Build - Preview

Iron Kingdom

Who among us hasn’t struggled to get a solid night’s sleep on a regular basis? And it’s likely safe to say many of us have turned to the use of melatonin to achieve that desired rest, which can often lead to residual drowsiness upon waking and isn’t recommended for use over extended periods of time. Prolonged use of melatonin can disrupt the body's natural hormonal state and negatively impact energy levels.

The new Iron Kingdom Sleep and Build helps stimulate the body’s natural growth hormone production by combining herbal components and sedative and adaptogen functions to help the body’s response to stress factors, without the use of synthetic melatonin.

Iron Kingdom Sleep and Build Formula

Iron Kingdom Sleep and Build has a 2:1 ratio of 700 milligrams of L-arginine and 350 milligrams of L-ornithine, which have been shown to help impact growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor and potentially assist with reducing stress prior to sleep, allowing for a deeper, more restful sleep. 600 milligrams of the neurotransmitter alpha-GPC and the recommended dosage of 490 milligrams of ZMA (zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) are found to help combat cortisol levels and stimulate production of growth hormone.

We also find a unique natural sleep-inducing complex with 500 milligrams ashwagandha, 500 milligrams of L-tryptophan, and 200 milligrams L-theanine, all of which should help with anti-stress, overall relaxation, and mood enhancement.

Iron Kingdom Sleep and Build can be found at GNC locations across Canada. For more info, visit the Iron Kingdom website, Instagram, and Facebook pages.