We’ve been impressed with the amount of activity coming out of the team at MuscleTech over the past several months. Since the MuscleTech rebranding, we have seen a number of new developments come from the brand. We recently shared with you details of MuscleTech Mass-Tech Elite, but the newest product that is set to be released any time now really caught our attention. It was announced that Summer 2020 would bring the launch of Hydroxycut CUT, a sparkling energy + weight loss RTD (Ready to Drink) beverage. While we have yet to see the full details of the formulation, we do know that it will contain caffeine, to boost metabolism, increase energy, and enhance focus. Another confirmed ingredient is Coffea canephora robusta (green coffee extract), a scientifically researched weight loss ingredient, which is found in the popular MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore Super Elite. Hydroxycut CUT is naturally flavored, with zero sugar, and zero calories. The launch of this new beverage will offer three flavors, including Orange Mango Pineapple, Watermelon Pomegranate, and Berry Lemonade. To have a new supplement previewed, email info@muscleinsider.com