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Eat Me Guilt Free Now Selling Protein Bread and Protein Tortillas

Although they’re known for their protein brownies, Eat Me Guilt Free now have a Protein Bread and Protein Tortilla! The protein bread contains 170 calories, 14 g protein, 7g fat, carbs are at 13g (with Fiber at 5g and sugars at 1g). The protein is made mostly from wheat protein and soy protein. Price is $25.47 for 3 loaves. The Protein Tortilla Wrap delivers 130 calories, fat is 3g, carbs are at 14g (zero fiber) and sugars are less than a gram. Protein is derived from a mixture of wheat, pea, and rice. Price is $20.97 for 3 bags of 8 small tortillas. We haven't tried these (yet) but if they're as good as their brownies, fans will be in for a treat! 

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