VPX’s Bang energy drink is the fastest growing energy drink in the United States. Founder Jack Owoc has always been one of the most innovative CEOs in the supplement industry and the Bang formula, taste and its marketing are no exception! Jack and his team of bangsters have been bang’n up the energy drink market in the U.S. and Europe but Jack’s now thrown down the gauntlet and brought Bang to Canada. Now keep in mind that Health Canada has very strict regulations on what you can and cannot include in an energy drink. So you won’t find creatine in any energy drink in Canada. However, the Canadian Bang formula is the best ingredient combination they could legally make for Canada and it’s still very effective. How about the taste? From Scott Welch’s first slurp of Bang in the parking lot of a local 711, the taste absolutely rocks!
Bang Canadian Formula
One can contains 180 mg of caffeine, 750 mg of BCAAs (300 mg of Leucine, 300 mg of Isoleucine and 150 mg of Valine). It also contains 50% of the Daily Value for Niacin, 14% for Vitamin B6, 100% for Vitamin B12 and 2% for Magnesium. With the legendary taste, distribution and digital marketing Bang is known for, Monster has a monster of a problem coming at them here in Canada! We’re already seeing this product in 711, Supplement King and other retailers are joining the Bang revolution. Nutrition Excellence is the official distributor of Bang so if you’re a store looking for it, hit them up.
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