Duglas Gomez
World Gym
Kitchener, ON
As an upcoming men’s physique athlete and fitness model, Duglas Gomez has overcome many health issues and obstacles. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with epilepsy after being brutally assaulted. “I was a complete vegetable with lacerations to my body and stab wounds to my back. I had multiple fractures, inflammation, and swelling to the brain. I would suffer from multiple seizures on a daily basis and experienced temporary amnesia. I didn’t recognize my family, friends, or even my own daughter. Doctors didn’t think I would make a full recovery and told my family I would have a lot of health issues down the road,” he recalls. After taking matters into his own hands, Duglas beat the odds and looked to help others achieve their own personal fitness goals. Personal training and being a fitness instructor is not a job for Duglas (who also competes in parkour, breakdance, and graffiti tournaments across Canada), but a calling to help others achieve the impossible. “My success is my clients’ success,” says Duglas, who tells his clients that fitness “is not only a physical change but a mental change as well. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”