Watch one of the greatest winning speeches in bodybuilding history. Cedric McMillan showed that he is a great champion and a great ambassador for the sport of bodybuilding.
The way he handled his victory at the 2017 Arnold Classic is a lesson for all! Only Cedric, whom we already know impressed Arnold with his physique, went on to impress the Governator with his witty banter and ability to disarm the contest's namesake. He even got Arnold to do the classic 3/4 twisting pose! Cedric was gracious, funny, charming, and charismatic. For someone who won with unanimous first places in the pre-judging, the finals, AND the posing round, he was humble and amazing throughout the whole weekend! It was close, but not close enough that any judge thought that Cedric didn't deserve it. It's about time he came into his own!